Members Choice Credit Union can accept a direct deposit from any company that provides this service. Whether you’re receiving a recurring check from your employer, an insurance company, or the government, direct deposit is safer and more convenient than receiving a paper check.
Direct Deposit is free and easy. Why spend your time standing in line? You have better things to do!
Does your employer require a Direct Deposit form?
- Call or come by and we’ll get you what you need. 254-776-7070 or 800-283-5343.
No form required by your employer?
- Just give them our routing number 311990058 and your Account MICR Number (14-digits).
Your Account MICR Number can be located within Online Banking:
Click on the specific share or loan that will be receiving the funds.
If accessing from our website, click on the “i” beside the account name.
If accessing via our app, click on the 3 menu dots to the right of the account name and then click “Share Details.”